This interview is our initiative to get to know our users a little bit better. We want to hear your experiences with Blossom Themes. We want to share your stories with all our users.
If you have been using any of our free or premium themes for more than 3 months and want to share your story, please feel free to submit it here.
Today, we are sharing an interview with Tania Pendarakis. She is a retired police officer, retired teacher, and a retired small business owner. She loves spending time with her dogs and helping different business owners to launch their websites.
Please take some time to go through our tête-à-tête with Tania, to explore her story.
1. Can you tell us about yourself and your profession?
I am a retired police officer, retired teacher, and a retired small business owner. I live in a wildlife sanctuary and spend most of my day taking care of animals. I am currently raising a service dog. When she completes her training she will be partnered with a combat-wounded veteran or first responder.
2. When and how did you start your first blog/website?
I designed my first website in the late 1990s for my online police supply company. I later created a website for marketing each specialized training class that I developed. Eventually, I started designing websites for other small businesses and for non-profit groups. After receiving formal web and graphic design training I started two web design businesses. I dissolved all of my businesses at the end of 2016 but did not want to abandon my long-time clients so I still take care of their web design needs.
3. How did you hear about us?
While I was teaching myself WordPress, I experimented with hundreds of themes I found on and discovered Blossom Themes.
4. What made you choose Blossom Themes?
Blossom Themes are visually appealing, very versatile and user-friendly. They are thoughtfully designed front and back, with great functionality. They integrate well with lots of plugins I use.
5. Which Blossom Themes’ theme are you using and why?
I used Blossom Spa Pro for a doctor’s website, and for a hair salon’s site. I used the Sarada theme for a preschool’s site, and for a dog kennel. I just completed a new website for a builder using Vilva Pro.
6. Can you name 3 features you love the most?
1. Outstanding Customer Support
2. Beautiful, functional themes that are regularly updated
3. User-friendly
7. In your opinion, what are the perks of using our theme?
There are so many perks! Once I started using Blossom Themes, I stopped using themes by any other company. I bought a Lifetime Membership. I appreciate the products and the knowledgeable, professional workforce at Blossom Themes.
8. Do you have any suggestions for us to improve our services and create a better user experience?
I wish the templates were more accessible for people with disabilities. I’ve used several accessibility plugins but they don’t resolve many accessibility issues for people using assistive technology.
9. On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate Blossom Themes based on:
Support: 10
Design: 10
Usability: 10
Features: 10
Documentation: 8
10. Would you recommend our themes to your friends or colleagues?
Most definitely.
11. Please share your brief testimonial about your experience with us and our products.
That I stopped using themes by other companies says a lot. The fact that I can use a single theme to design websites for completely different businesses and have the sites bear no similarity in appearance speaks to the versatility of Blossom Themes.
Thank you, Tania, for sharing your story with us. We hope this inspires our readers.

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