We make our themes with extreme care and launch them only after thorough-repeated testing, so we strongly believe that our products will work without any issue. If you find any issue, we are available to help you solve the issue resulting from any number of reasons.
In the case the theme(s) you purchased didn’t work properly as advertised and we couldn’t resolve the issue, we, Blossom Themes, will offer a full refund within 15 days of the purchase. However, since the themes are digitally delivered and are non-tangible goods, we can offer refund full or partial only if the item(s) you purchased is broken, not working properly, or truly missing features as advertised on the sales page of the item(s) you purchased. Our sales and support will try to solve your issues and if you are not satisfied then we will issue a refund.
Since, the product has its own demo, documentation, features comparison table, etc, we strongly recommend you to explore those resources to evaluate the product feasibility, support terms, updates, licensing scopes, etc.
If you have any questions about our products, please contact our support team for pre-sales questions so that you feel confident before purchasing our themes.
Before you ask for a refund
If you have purchased a WordPress theme and you are experiencing a technical issue with the item we recommend that you contact our support team and seek assistance. Often they’ll be able to help to troubleshoot your problem. A team member will follow up with you, typically within 24 hours. We answer each and every email sent to us, so if you don’t hear from us, please check your email’s spam/junk folder or try submitting your message again via our support ticket.
Before submitting the refund request, you must do the following:
- Read the extensive documentation for the theme you have purchased.
- Open a new support ticket with our support staff if you are still experiencing problems.
- Confirm that your server meets the specifications laid out in the requirements for the Product and WordPress in general [https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/].
Conditions for a refund for theme subscription renewal
If the refund is for theme renewal and you are within the first 30 days of the renewal, then please get in touch with our support team and our support team will issue a refund.
To ensure transparency and fairness, we apply a 10% fee on refunds for renewals. This fee helps cover administrative costs and non-refundable transaction fees incurred on our end. We provide advance notice of upcoming renewals, so if you wish to cancel, please do so before the renewal date to avoid any charges.
Conditions for a refund for a new purchase
The refund for the new purchase has to be processed within 15 days of the purchase order.
Here are the situations in which we give a refund on a WordPress Theme:
Item is “not as described”
Our theme sales page and theme demo list all the features available in the theme. If our product is “not as described” and it is materially different from the item description or preview you will be entitled to a refund.
Item has a security vulnerability
If an item contains a security vulnerability and can’t easily be fixed you would be entitled to a refund. If the item can be fixed, then we will promptly fix it by updating the item. If the item contains a security vulnerability that is not patched in an appropriate timeframe then you can expect us to provide a refund for the item.
Support Team is unable to resolve your issue
If you are facing any issues with the theme, you must have addressed the issue to the support team by opening a support ticket. If the support team is unable to resolve the issue and provide you with a solution, then a refund will be granted.
Conditions for a Declined Refund
In most of the cases, we are able to help with the issues you faced and assist you with using the theme. Please note that we will not provide a refund for cases of malfunctioning unless you have contacted our support team about this and when we can offer a reasonable solution for the issue.
We will not refund your purchase in the following situations:
- No refunds will be given after 15 days from the initial purchase.
- You don’t want it anymore or change your mind – please make sure you always do a thoughtful purchase.
- The item did not meet your expectations – if the item works as described but this is not quite what you expected, we cannot provide a refund. Our live demo site is very explanatory of our themes. You can avoid this by asking presale questions, we are always happy to provide additional info on our products.
- You bought an item by mistake – we cannot take responsibility for such cases and return your money, just like you cannot return the product.
- You do not have sufficient expertise to use the item – our themes are successfully used by thousands of customers, many of them are complete beginners. We will gladly assist you to help you get around though. Learning something new is always fun.
- You have exchanged your purchase with another theme.
- Issues caused by third-party plugins, themes or other software – we don’t guarantee the compatibility with third-party plugins. If you are not sure whether the plugin is compatible with our theme or not, please contact our support team.
- You do not contact the support team for help – our support team has helped thousands of beginners to build their site. If you address the issues that you are facing, our team will provide you with a solution. We typically reply to all emails within 24 hours on business days.
- You are unable to show proof or screenshot of broken part or missing – you cannot claim for a refund without providing any proof of malfunctioning of the theme. The refund is not applicable if you refuse to get help.
- You claim that you are entitled to a refund but do not provide sufficient information as to why you are entitled to a refund.
- Poor Web Server Configuration and issues related to Demo Import – If you found your web server doesn’t meet the requirement of WordPress or denied to update the PHP, MySQL version. Issues related to Demo Import will not provide grounds for a refund because Demo Import depends on the hosting service.
If you are using a shared hosting plan, then there is a high chance that demo import might not work on your server because your server might have some limitations. For the demo import to work properly, the PHP configuration on your server should be:
max_execution_time 360
memory_limit 256M
post_max_size 32M
upload_max_filesize 32M
Note that there is a difference between a broken item and simply receiving an error message or having trouble configuring the product to your desired result.
Error messages are often related to improper setup, hosting, configuration, plugin conflicts, or missing files which, causes the item to not work.
A refund will not be given for Theme Club and Footer Copyright Removal plugin purchase. If you’re not sure whether a product is right for you, please contact us with your questions before making a purchase. We will be happy to assist you.
Due to the nature of digital goods, we recognize that this policy can be abused, and reserve the right to refuse refunds if we determine the refund policy is being taken advantage of.
By purchasing a theme(s) and/or a plugin(s) from our website, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment, or legal actions.
Updated On: October 1, 2024